"Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?"

We are grateful that our paper titled "Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?" authored with Rosmaiza Abdul Ghani (Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malacca Branch, Malacca, Malaysia) and Nur Azwani Mohamad Azmin (Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu Branch, Terengganu, Malaysia) was selected as Best Paper in the International conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24). The conference was held in Semarang, Indonesia on 12-13 June 2024.


Comprehensive and integrated solutions that address economic, social, and environmental factors are imperative to effectively tackle the complex interrelation between poverty, income inequality, and environmental degradation in low-income countries. To break the cycle of degradation and improve the well-being of vulnerable communities, efforts to alleviate poverty and reduce income inequality must go hand in hand with strategies for sustainable environmental management. Establishing a direct relationship between poverty, income inequality, and environmental degradation in low-income countries is crucial. If such a connection exists, it would have significant implications for policymakers and stakeholders addressing these challenges. The study employed advanced statistical techniques such as panel data regression with the Driscoll Kray coefficient estimator to explore the intricate relationship between poverty, income inequality, and environmental degradation in low-income countries. The study’s findings are significant as they shed light on the key factors contributing to these countries’ environmental degradation, allowing governments and policymakers to take informed actions toward sustainable development.

Keywords: Environment; Degradation; Low-Income Countries; Poverty; Inequality

How to cite:

Ghani, R.A., Soseco, T., Azmin, N.A.M. (2024). Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?. Proceedings of the International Conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24). 848-858. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-522-5_64

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