What is a Ph.D? a Visual Guide by Matthew Might

What makes a Ph.D. journey different than another degree, like a master's or bachelor's? The answer lies in the picture below. Anyone who has already pursued a Ph.D. will see its wisdom. And young, aspiring academics would be wise to pay it heed.

The Illustrated Guide to the Ph.D., created by Matt Might. Source: http://matt.might.net/articles/phd‐school‐in‐pictures/; 2012 and shared under Creative Commons license BY‐NC 2.5.

Matthew Might, a computer science professor at the University of Utah, perfectly explains what a Ph.D. is visually. Here is the condensed format of the illustrated guide above. Or follow it in a larger format below.
Keep pushing

Due to this achievement, Ph.D. scholars rarely discuss common knowledge that everybody knows. Instead, they discuss what they have done or the recent trend to push the knowledge beyond the border.

Audiences can expect specific information because they are trained to work in a particular scope, discuss a tiny area, and write in a particular scope.

Audiences can also expect exciting findings or unexpected results because Ph.D. scholars are used to traveling on a less traveled road. Only they and a few others have similarities in a particular research interest.

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