
"Generational Dynamics in Indonesia's Labour Market"

On Friday, January 31, 2025, I presented a paper titled "Enhancing Employment and Skill Development: Comparative Insights from the Generational Labour Force in Indonesia" at an international seminar at Saga University, Japan. This seminar was part of a strategic collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia and the Faculty of Economics, Saga University, Japan. The paper explored the generational labour force and its impact on overall well-being. Differences between generations shape varying values, perceptions, and behavioral patterns, including how workers develop their skills in the workplace. These differences create generational gaps, including disparities among workers within the same generation. The research findings indicate that education levels and migration opportunities positively affect workers' well-being, particularly among younger generations. Therefore, workplaces that accommodate employees from different...

The Firm and Market Structures

It was my pleasure to meet colleagues and students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Melaka, Malaysia, during a lecture session titled "The Firm and Market Structures: What It Is and How It Works in the Economy" on Thursday, 16 January 2025. Other speakers in the session included Dr. Kazi Musa (Malaysia) and Dr. Shahzad Hussain (Pakistan). The session was moderated by Ms. Maizatul Saadiah Mohamad. My presentation covered the concepts of monopoly and oligopoly, with a case study on the Indonesian aviation industry. We discussed the implications of market structures on the economy, particularly in the context of passengers and tourist destinations. During the session, we examined the gridlock on the highway to Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali caused by a surge of vehicles during the holiday season. A special thanks to Ms. Maizatul Saadiah Mohamad for making this session possible.

Book Chapter: Poverty and Digital Access for Females in Rural Areas in Indonesia

We are thrilled to announce that our paper, titled " Membangun Akses Digital bagi Perempuan Perdesaan untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan ", has been published as a book chapter in " Building Policies for the Future: A Collaboration of Ideas Toward a Prosperous Indonesia 2045 ". This paper is the result of a research collaboration between myself and Isnawati Hidayah. The paper was presented at the 10th Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Policy (AIFED), organised by the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia, on December 1–3, 2021, under the theme " Finding New Sources of Growth to Recover Stronger ". In this research, we explored the relationship between poverty and digital access for women in rural areas of Indonesia. Using data from the 2018 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), we constructed a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI). Key findings include: - Female-headed households are more vulnerable to poverty compared to male-headed...

"The Role of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics in Development"

It was my pleasure to meet colleagues and students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia during a lecture session titled The Role of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics in Development on Saturday, 30 November 2024. The session was chaired by Mr. Azizul Azhan Bin Hussain (Joe) and attended by over 233 participants via Google Meet and YouTube. In my presentation, we discussed the core concepts of the economy and its main challenges. We also explored the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics, as well as their interconnection. Additionally, we extended the discussion to our publication titled "An Application of the Dagum Type III Model to Measure Household Net Wealth Inequality in Indonesia." The paper can be accessed here: A special thanks to Ms. Nur Azwani Mohamad Azmin for making this session possible.

Talkshow and Performances at the 2024 Disability Festival, Universitas Negeri Malang

On Tuesday, 5 November 2024, the 2024 Disability Festival ( Festival Disabilitas ), hosted by PLPBK LPPP Universitas Negeri Malang, provided a platform to address important issues surrounding disabilities. The event brought together individuals with disabilities, parents, teachers, and community members to raise awareness and encourage action. In addition to insightful discussions, the festival featured performances and exhibitions that highlighted the talents and creativity of individuals with special needs. I had the honour of being the speaker for the talkshow session, where I presented on "The Role of Higher Education in Optimising the Potential of Individuals with Special Needs: Employment Transition." During the session, we focused on the challenges of disability, employment, and the wage gap in Indonesia, particularly how higher education can serve as a key driver in improving labour market outcomes for individuals with disabilities (PwD). We also discussed the finding...

(Excerpt) The Role of Higher Education in Optimising the Potential of Individuals with Special Needs: Employment Transition

Paper presented in Festival Disabilitas UM,  Malang, Indonesia Tuesday, 5 November 2024 Introduction The inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the labor market is not just a matter of social justice but also a key component of economic growth. As nations strive for higher welfare levels, ensuring that all individuals, including those with disabilities, contribute to economic activities is vital. The participation of people with disabilities (PwD) in the labor force is often hindered by a persistent wage gap compared to people without disabilities (Pw/oD). This paper explores how higher education can play a crucial role in bridging this gap by maximizing the potential of individuals with special needs and facilitating smoother transitions into the labor market. Employment Transition and Its Costs Employment transition refers to the process of moving from one type of employment to another—whether it's entering the workforce, changing careers, or transitioning from unemploymen...

Telur Dadar, Muslihat Orang Miskin untuk Mengakali Beratnya Hidup

  MOJOK.CO – Orang miskin punya seribu satu cara untuk bertahan hidup. Salah satunya dengan muslihat  telur dadar yang membuat saya kagum ketika masih bocah.    Ketika kecil dulu, mungkin sekitar tahun 2000, saya pernah bermain ke rumah teman saya. Sebut saja namanya Wawan.  Rumah Wawan tidak besar dan cuma memiliki 2 kamar tidur serta 1 kamar mandi. Walau deskripsinya mirip dengan tipe rumah kebanyakan yang dijual developer properti di daerah pinggiran Jakarta, percayalah, konsep minimalis yang diterapkan sangat berbeda. Kalau rumah minimalis dikonsep agar menjadi sederhana, fungsional, dan terkesan mewah. Nah, rumah teman saya ini konsepnya adalah “yang penting punya rumah”.  Pencahayaan buruk. Lantai rumahnya nir-keramik, full semen ekspose ala industrialis. Udaranya lembab dan berbau apak. Cat dinding rumah Wawan sudah kusam, belum lagi dapurnya yang kecil cuma muat 3 orang bila mau berdesak-desakan. Dan di dapur ini, saya melihat sendiri muslihat telur...

"Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?"

We are grateful that our paper titled "Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?" authored with Rosmaiza Abdul Ghani (Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malacca Branch, Malacca, Malaysia) and Nur Azwani Mohamad Azmin (Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu Branch, Terengganu, Malaysia) was selected as Best Paper in the International conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24). The conference was held in Semarang, Indonesia on 12-13 June 2024. Abstract Comprehensive and integrated solutions that address economic, social, and environmental factors are imperative to effectively tackle the complex interrelation between poverty, income inequality, and environmental degradation in low-income countries. To break the cycle of degradation and improve the well-being of vulnerable communities, efforts to alleviate pover...

Deflasi dan Penurunan Daya Beli Masyarakat

Publikasi Badan Pusat Statisik (BPS) menunjukkan penurunan Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) selama lima bulan di tahun 2024. Penurunan IHK ini menunjukkan kondisi deflasi, yakni penurunan tingkat harga umum barang dan jasa secara terus-menerus dalam suatu periode tertentu. Data IHK 150 Kabupaten/Kota (2022=100) menunjukkan IHK naik dari 105,19 di Januari 2024 menjadi 105,58 di Februari, 106,13 di Maret, 106,40 di April.  Kemudian IHK turun menjadi 106,37 di bulan Mei 2024, 106,28 di Juni, 106,09 di Juli, 106,06 di bulan Agustus, dan 105,93 di bulan September.  Saat harga-harga turun, masyarakat seharusnya akan terbantu dalam mengatasi pengeluarannya. Namun produsen justru akan berhadapan dengan harga-harga yang terus turun yang berpotensi menggerus pendapatan mereka. Penurunan harga ini disebabkan oleh dua hal, yakni penurunan penawaran ( supply ) dan penurunan permintaan ( demand ).  Supply barang yang semakin sedikit akan mendorong kenaikan harga barang. Namun saat sup...

Robustness Check

Robustness check seringkali menjadi upaya justifikasi peneliti bahwa model dan pemilihan variabel di penelitiannya adalah secara struktural valid. Namun, sebaliknya, bila robustness check tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik, ia akan menjadi tidak informatif dan bisa jadi membawa persepsi yang keliru.  Satu artikel lama namun masih relevan membahas bagaimana core dan non-critical core variables dapat diuji untuk mendukung robustness check.  White, H. & Lu, X. (2010) Robustness Checks and Robustness Tests in Applied Economics.